Inspire TMS Denver Clinic Results- Depression

a man in a suit and tie smiles for the camera
Anna Marie Miller and Sam Clinch, MD
February 21, 2024

Inspire TMS Denver Clinic Results- Depression

a man in a suit and tie smiles for the camera
Anna Marie Miller and Sam Clinch, MD
February 21, 2024

Inspire TMS Denver Clinic Results- Depression

Anna Marie Miller and Sam Clinch, MD
February 21, 2024

What results are we achieving with TMS treatment for depression at Inspire TMS Denver?

At Inspire TMS Denver, we pride ourselves on going above and beyond to ensure maximal patient outcomes and care. We are extremely focused on each patient and meeting their specific needs for treatment response. Dr. Clinch personalizes every treatment by individually selecting treatment location(s) and adapting treatment protocols to specifically target symptoms of concern. We believe our high treatment response rates reflect this level of specialized and individualized care. We achieve equivalent and often superior results to published registry data for patients receiving TMS treatment for clinical depression.

The PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire) Scale

phq - 9

We use the PHQ-9 scale to gauge our patients’ response rates. The PHQ-9 rating scale is a widely used depression rating scale that grades symptoms from 0-27. Scores above 15 signify moderate to severe depression. Scores from 5-9 signify mild or subthreshold depression, and scores below 4 represent no depression. We utilize this scale as it is a patient reported scale removing any clinician bias and a well validated scale commonly used in both specialty and primary care locations. We are also looking to utilize additional scales in time to most accurately reflect results.

We currently achieve an average improvement on the PHQ-9, treatment start to finish, of 65%.

Our average patient starting PHQ-9 score is 20 and our average end of treatment score is 7. A starting score of 20 indicates nearly all patients seeking treatment with us are experiencing severe depression. And a finishing score of 7 indicates only mild depressive symptoms remain for the majority of our patients at end of treatment. These are great results!

At treatment end, 77% of our patients have responded to treatment (based on 50% improvement or better on the PHQ-9) and 44% of our patients are in remission (less than 5 on the PHQ-9).

These results are equivalent, if not slightly superior, to published registry data:

- 69% response and 36% remission,  by Neurostar.

- 71% response and 44% remission,  by Brainsway.

76% of our patients have achieved a PHQ-9 score of less than 10, which indicates mild to no depressive symptoms.

We personalize our approach for each patient depending on symptoms, treatment tolerance, and treatment response. For unipolar depression, there are two FDA approved options for treatment: intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation (iTBS) and 10 Hz stimulation. Often, patients prefer treatment with the iTBS protocol, as it is more convenient. It is only 3 minutes long and has shown equivalent efficacy as the original 10 Hz protocol, which is 18 minutes long. We likewise, see equivalent results in our clinic. There are also additional off-label protocols with strong evidence base supporting use in depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD. We are well-versed in adding in these protocols when indicated, and when patients wish to pursue additional treatment. We also achieve very good results with TMS for treating anxiety, PTSD, and OCD - we'll publish a blog on this soon!

Accelerated TMS is also successful and can provide faster results for relieving depressive symptoms!

Additionally, we have good experience and results providing an accelerated protocol that involves 50 sessions over the course of 5 days (10 treatments per day). This utilizes 1800 pulses of iTBS each session to treat depression in a shorter timeframe, which is particularly convenient for those without access to TMS near where they live or due to work conflict getting to treatment on a daily basis. A randomized controlled trial out of Stanford, utilizing a nearly identical approach, but with the use of fcMRI for targeting (we do not have this capability at our clinic), achieved an average 52% reduction in MADRS (Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale) score 4 weeks out from treatment. Our clinic is achieving a similar rate of 54% reduction in depression symptoms based on this same rating scale. We also are seeing equivalent response and remission rates with the accelerated protocol compared to more standard protocols that take 2 months to complete. 

We are proud of the results we achieve at Inspire TMS Denver. Our data and patient reviews speak to the high quality of TMS care we provide. Please contact us if you have questions about treatment expectations or response. Schedule a free phone or in person consult to learn more in our contact us section

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