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Patients sharing their TMS stories.
Want to know more about TMS? Check out this in-depth guide to TMS therapy with transparent and easy to understand explanations about TMS processes, protocols, and treated conditions.
Patients sharing their TMS stories.
Want to know more about TMS? Check out this in-depth guide to TMS therapy with transparent and easy to understand explanations about TMS processes, protocols, and treated conditions.
Want to know more about TMS? Check out this in-depth guide to TMS therapy with transparent and easy to understand explanations about TMS processes, protocols, and treated conditions.
Depression and anxiety disorders are extremely common conditions. At least ¼ of the US population struggles with symptoms of depression or anxiety in any given year. These conditions often go hand in hand as well, sucking any pleasure or joy out of life. Treatment typically involves medications and talk therapy, but unfortunately, this isn’t always successful. Somewhere around â…“ of all sufferers from depression and anxiety are treatment resistant.
If you are reading this article, you may have been surviving like this for years and have been through a gamut of different medications. Medications may work for a time or not at all. Therapy may have helped with coping and understanding how to best manage your mental health condition, but often is insufficient to relieve symptoms fully. Or you may have found an effective medication, only to have to compromise relief from depression or anxiety with significant side effects. TMS provides an alternative treatment option free from systemic side effects with an improved chance for success.
Countless studies have been and continue to be published on TMS efficacy. The FDA has approved TMS for treatment-resistant depression, OCD, and smoking cessation and the number of patients treated to date with TMS continues to grow exponentially. Indications for treatment will likely continue to grow and multiple studies have shown improvement in anxiety symptoms as well when treating depression. The evidence base is reassuring for many, but listening to other patients speak first hand about their success with TMS can often be more helpful and inspiring. Here are some of those patients sharing their stories.
“I mean, from what I felt at the beginning, it felt like brain repair. It felt like your brain was being repaired a little bit from whatever the gitch was, or whatever was wrong that really caused that. It really was a quantum leap.”
Anders had been taking medication for the depression that had negatively impacted his life, including work and relationships, for twenty years. Listen here to Anders’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
“My depression, it originally was thinking like most people are, is it something that needs talk therapy; whatever it is?
And then there was a point at which I was feeling nothing negative was going on, so it has to be something physical and that’s what brought me to see a psychopharmacologist to say like, ‘look I don’t think it has to do with anything personally that’s going on, but it always feels like there’s a foot on my shoulder and it was enough that it got in the way of focusing on my work.’ There was a loneliness that went with it, or that was the feeling of it, and then I went on medication for a number of years. But then there was a point at which it just stopped, the effects of it, and that was when I was made aware of TMS.
When I heard of it, I would assume the way a lot of people might feel, there was fear about it. And then when I did it, it was just mildly uncomfortable. Only at the beginning, but very quickly you sort of adjust to it so that I could be carrying on a conversation with the technician while it was going on for the half an hour that it was running. With the treatment, as it started to work… for me, it was just gradual, just noticing that it was lifting. Then I’d say two-thirds through it, really was where my wife was noticing….’you seem lighter, you seem less oppressed by it.’
I was focused and I was productive, and I was more talkative and just all the things that you might think go with depression, piece by piece, those started kicking in. It wasn’t like finally it hit the switch and everything was on, as much as I would say, through the treatment, it was piece by piece. It was sort of coming back. It's not like you just keep going up and up that you’re artificially happy high. What it's doing is it’s bringing you up to what’s supposed to be there, what feels like a normal baseline. So, a normal healthy baseline. By the end of it, it was in a sense completely gone. I mean for what I felt at the beginning, it felt like brain repair, it felt like your brain was being repaired a little bit for whatever the gitch was or whatever was wrong that really caused that. It really was a quantum leap. So by the time the 35 sessions were over from what I’d started from, you could really tell that it worked. It genuinely worked!”
Inspired by Anders’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“After the TMS, my family and friends started noticing immediate differences - my husband got his wife back, my son got his mother back, and I started living life more fully.”
Cindy was a very active mom, living life to the fullest when the depression hit. She was on medication that stopped being effective after two years and eventually resulted in admittance to an ER. After being referred to TMS by her psychiatrist, Cindy got her life back. Listen here to Cindy’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
“Before depression, I was a very busy mom. I was taking care of my family, I enjoyed getting together with friends, I was volunteering in many capacities for my church. I was involved politically. I was just a very busy person enjoying life, I liked going to live theater, and movies, and reading, and learning new things, and then the depression hit. After two and a half years, my antidepressant quit working, cold turkey. From then on, it was a daily downward spiral that ultimately culminated in high anxiety and a trip to the ER. I felt guilty as a wife and a mother because I felt that I was not doing my role to support them.”
Inspired by Cindys' Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“Early on, like maybe the 8th or 9th treatment, I started kind of feeling a difference, but even before that my father who I had been living with at the time, was noticing that I was more active, I was out of my room more often. Over the course of the treatment, I was able to actually reduce the medications and then eventually go off of them.”
Oliver’s depression hijacked his studies and his University Scholarship, forcing him to give up on his dreams. After TMS treatment, Oliver’s life, work, and relationships are back on track. Listen here to Oliver’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"When I was in high school, I had a number of aspirations and I was doing reasonably okay at that time. And what ended up sort of coming together, is I did some neuroscience research at the Rockefeller University, under the mentorship of a guy named Dr. Richard Hunter, and competed in these science competitions. One of them was the Intel Westinghouse and the New York City Science and Engineering Fair, and I did pretty well.
And so, I really wanted to pursue neuroscience or brain science or something related to the mind because that's always been something that's fascinating to me. But when I got to college and I started struggling with depression, I got to the point where I couldn't really function.
I wasn't showing up to classes. I remember when I was in some of my more depressed periods, I went weeks or even at one point, I went two months without shaving. I was on a full-tuition scholarship at the University of Rochester. So they had given me this scholarship and now I wasn't able to show up.
I wasn't able to do all the things that they felt I was capable of doing. It took some time for me to come to terms with what I was going through, but by the time that I had come back from college, I was struggling. So I had pretty much dropped out.
I had reduced my aspirations to just, ‘oh I am going to get a regular management job.’ I figured I'd work my way up somewhere and try to stay functional, that was my aspiration, just to be functional.
Finally, I started doing the TMS treatment with Dr. McMullen. On one dimension, in terms of the actual treatment and the results, I really honestly did not expect much.
I and my father were kind of grasping at straws at that point. I had already tried a number of different, traditional, less-common treatments and so on, and I was just kind of like, ‘uh whatever.’ I'll do it, because I have nothing to lose.
Early on, like maybe the 8th or 9th treatment, I started kind of feeling a difference, but even before, that, my father, who I had been living with at the time, was noticing that I was more active. I was out of my room more often.
Over the course of the treatment, I was able to actually reduce the medications and then eventually go off of them. So I think that what happened was that having had some way to reduce the depression that I was going through, I was able to finally have some self-esteem that allowed me to take my own inner life more seriously.
And then after I sort of finished, completed the course of treatments, I finally was able to move out of my father’s house, so I have been living on my own since then.
I am at the moment tutoring, I am able to get up and go for a run or go to the gym and I have a wonderful girlfriend who seems like we may spend our lives together, so that's a really nice change in my life. I still have a long road ahead but I have hope."
Inspired by Olivers’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“TMS treatment has given me back my life and now I get out of bed, I'm ready to go every day and now I'm back to living again. I love seeing my family, I'm back to work part-time.”
Charlie suffered complications after major back surgery and spiraled into depression. Medications only made things worse and Charlie began to give up on life. Listen here to Charlies’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"I had major surgery years ago, and my doctor recognized that I was getting depressed because of all the complications. We tried every medicine that there was, which also gave me major medical complications.
So, I was taking no medicine and just felt like I didn't want to do anything anymore. I retired and I didn't want to work, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to get out of bed, I couldn't get out of bed, I stopped working.
This TMS treatment has given me back my life and now I get out of bed, I'm ready to go every day, and I've gone through the TMS treatments, and now I'm back to living again.
I love seeing my family, I'm back to work part-time, and my husband and I have even planned the trip of a lifetime. After being married for forty-six years, we're finally going to get our second honeymoon."
Inspired by Charlies’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“TMS has saved my life, because had I not had TMS, I would've been stuck in a world at home with nothing to do but feel sorry for myself, and feel like I was drowning.”
Amy has struggled with depression for most of her life until it got so bad that she could not continue working and even medication could not give her the confidence to return to work. Listen here to Amy’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"My depression actually started very early in my life, and as I grew, the depression would come and go and finally it came to a head. Everything came crashing down. I was no longer able to work, I could not get out of bed, I couldn't do anything.
So I finally made a phone call to Dr. Kenneth Golstein and Associates. After I met with Dr. Golstein, we tried several different depression medications, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications. I didn't feel like I could go back to work. I didn't feel like I could be my old self with just the medications.
I learned about TMS from Dr. Kenneth Golstein and he sat down with me one evening and explained to me everything that would happen. And it just was exciting to me, it gave me hope, and so I wanted to participate in it.
They were right there with me, they explained every step of the way, they stayed with me during the entire treatment and it was nothing to it. I didn't even feel anything. It was actually relaxing. I got to lay back into a chair and put my head on a pillow, sit for a while and watch TV, and talk to the doctors.
I responded very well to TMS. It surpassed any hope that I had. The medication had done somewhat of a job, but TMS was amazing. I was able for the first time, to get back to work. I was able to live my life.
I had no uncomfortable experiences at all. I had no side-effects. Like I said, it was just coming in, sitting in a chair, lying back, talking with your treatment professional or watching TV, so it was a very comfortable time. Gale, our TMS coordinator, she would come in and talk to me every day just to see how I was doing. And she noticed that every day she came in, my conversation with her would get longer and longer, and she told me that was a really good sign; that I was able to open up and communicate….as I could not do that on the first day.
TMS has saved my life, because had I not had TMS, I would've been stuck in a world at home with nothing to do, but feel sorry for myself, and feel like I was drowning. And I think so many people feel that way. They just feel like they can't, if they can't pull themselves out of it, then they're a failure and that is not true. But TMS can pull you out of it and TMS is the place to turn to do that."
Inspired by Amy’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver here
“They hooked me up to the machine, then you hear a click, and then you get a pulse, and the time goes very quickly. I come in and 15 minutes, I'm back out the door, so it's just a very short time out of your day.”
Rogers’ depression had affected his life on and off since High School, affecting both his and his family’s enjoyment of life. Listen here to Rogers’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"Looking back, I think it started in high school. The symptoms got really bad in my twenties. I wasn't functioning correctly, sometimes I'd stay in bed for a week.
You can't work, because you can’t concentrate, and you can't sleep…it affects everything.
So, typically, I would start on one medication and it would help to a certain extent, but then the effectiveness would get smaller and smaller. So we would switch to something else, and the same scenario.
I was looking online. I was actually looking for a psychiatrist and I noticed TMS. I go, ‘that looks interesting’, so I clicked on it, read the webpage, and I thought to myself ‘that might work’.
I didn't have any preconceived notions on it. They came in, they hooked me up to the machine. Then you hear a click and then you get a pulse, and the time goes very quickly. I noticed an immediate difference. You would think it would be slow and gradual, but for me, it was right away. And then each week…a little better, a little better. I come in and in 15 minutes, I'm back out the door, so it's just a very short time out of your day.
My life's a lot smoother in every aspect, my opportunities are a lot better because I'm functioning better."
Roger’s Wife-Jennifer
“We enjoy life more, we do more activities. We don't need to worry about how he's feeling, or if he's going to be in a bad mood the next day. Or if the next day he doesn't want to do anything, or sleep all day.”
Inspired by Roger’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver here
“My doctor told me about Magventure TMS therapy and, of course, I was skeptical at first - magnetic pulses?!........ For a moment, one, I was totally blown away by the people, they were so nice, so patient, and absolutely understanding. They walked me through the process, how it worked, the insurance, out-of-pocket, and everything to expect”
Vickie’s depression almost cost her her life after taking an overdose to escape her symptoms. Listen here to Vickie’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"I'm not acting, I'm not faking when I say Magventure TMS therapy saved my life. No doubt, one hundred percent.
Before treatment, I was in a continuous loop of depression, a very dark and lonely place. I pushed everyone away from me, my family, friends, co-workers. I had no interest in life itself. It just hurt to be awake. I couldn't shut my brain off, it was just constantly going. Every item in my body was just screaming. I ended up taking several handfuls of pills and woke up in the hospital. That’s when I knew I needed to change the medication I was on, it wasn't helping, it wasn't working, it was actually making things worse.
I knew I definitely needed additional help. My doctor told me about Magventure TMS therapy and, of course, I was skeptical at first - magnetic pulses!? However, with a lot of information and documentation provided to me, I felt like it was safe and I was going to give it the go.
I checked around and Magventure TMS was the name that kept coming up, so I found a Magventure provider. From moment one, I was totally blown away by the people, they were so nice, so patient, and absolutely understanding. They walked me through the process, how it worked, the insurance, out-of-pocket, and everything to expect. I remember there was this great video my doctor showed me that explained what TMS was and how it worked. After seeing everything, I was like, wow, I need this, let's do it, I'm so ready.
Three weeks into my therapy, my depression had dropped in half; even my anxiety improved. After six weeks, I was feeling like my old self again and it just kept getting better and better from there.
Today, I am NOT a depressed person. I'm really not! I'm a happy, happy person. I'm back to work and loving it. I've totally reconnected with my family, my kids, my husband. I’ve even reconnected with old friends that I haven't spoken to in years. I'm finally reconnected to life and I have Magventure TMS therapy to thank for that.
What would I tell someone suffering with depression? I'd first ask them, ‘Are you on medication? Are you happy with the side effects? If not, there's an answer, there's help. There are people in a company that are willing to walk every step of the way with you’, and it starts with finding a Magventure TMS therapy provider."
Inspired by Vickie’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
- Andre D.
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Book your free telephone consultation with Dr. Clinch and use this time to ask any questions or voice any concerns about TMS. If there are no contraindications to treatment, you are a good candidate, and you wish to proceed with a full evaluation, we will schedule a full intake. You will be sent an invite to our confidential patient portal and forms for review and completion that expedite care.
Shortly after this, you will be seen in person for the full TMS evaluation. This will provide adequate information for us to then submit prior authorization for TMS coverage to your insurer. If seeking care off-label through self-pay, prior authorization is not needed. We then schedule your first and all subsequent treatment sessions. We obtain prior authorization and inform you of all costs prior to starting care.
Come in for your first treatment which starts with a 'mapping' to establish your unique treatment intensity and location. Following this and at all subsequent sessions, you will recline in a motorized chair, similar to a dental visit. You can then relax, listen to music, watch TV, read or chat during the treatment. At the end of your sessions, you can drive and return to your day as normal.
Samuel B. Clinch, M.D
Medical Director
Our shared inspiration is to alleviate mental illness and improve the mental wellbeing of the patients we treat. We respect all backgrounds and cultures and want to hear our patient’s stories to best guide care. During treatment, we reinforce positive wellness practices, help maximize lifestyle modifications, and integrate rTMS therapy into a patient’s overall mental and physical health treatment.
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Call 720-446-8675 now, or complete the form below to request a call back.
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340 East 1st Avenue, Suite 333
Broomfield, CO 80020
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Discover if TMS is right for you and answer all your queries about treatment, eligibility and costs.
Take the First Step Towards Your Mental Well-being Today
Depression and anxiety disorders are extremely common conditions. At least ¼ of the US population struggles with symptoms of depression or anxiety in any given year. These conditions often go hand in hand as well, sucking any pleasure or joy out of life. Treatment typically involves medications and talk therapy, but unfortunately, this isn’t always successful. Somewhere around â…“ of all sufferers from depression and anxiety are treatment resistant.
If you are reading this article, you may have been surviving like this for years and have been through a gamut of different medications. Medications may work for a time or not at all. Therapy may have helped with coping and understanding how to best manage your mental health condition, but often is insufficient to relieve symptoms fully. Or you may have found an effective medication, only to have to compromise relief from depression or anxiety with significant side effects. TMS provides an alternative treatment option free from systemic side effects with an improved chance for success.
Countless studies have been and continue to be published on TMS efficacy. The FDA has approved TMS for treatment-resistant depression, OCD, and smoking cessation and the number of patients treated to date with TMS continues to grow exponentially. Indications for treatment will likely continue to grow and multiple studies have shown improvement in anxiety symptoms as well when treating depression. The evidence base is reassuring for many, but listening to other patients speak first hand about their success with TMS can often be more helpful and inspiring. Here are some of those patients sharing their stories.
“I mean, from what I felt at the beginning, it felt like brain repair. It felt like your brain was being repaired a little bit from whatever the gitch was, or whatever was wrong that really caused that. It really was a quantum leap.”
Anders had been taking medication for the depression that had negatively impacted his life, including work and relationships, for twenty years. Listen here to Anders’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
“My depression, it originally was thinking like most people are, is it something that needs talk therapy; whatever it is?
And then there was a point at which I was feeling nothing negative was going on, so it has to be something physical and that’s what brought me to see a psychopharmacologist to say like, ‘look I don’t think it has to do with anything personally that’s going on, but it always feels like there’s a foot on my shoulder and it was enough that it got in the way of focusing on my work.’ There was a loneliness that went with it, or that was the feeling of it, and then I went on medication for a number of years. But then there was a point at which it just stopped, the effects of it, and that was when I was made aware of TMS.
When I heard of it, I would assume the way a lot of people might feel, there was fear about it. And then when I did it, it was just mildly uncomfortable. Only at the beginning, but very quickly you sort of adjust to it so that I could be carrying on a conversation with the technician while it was going on for the half an hour that it was running. With the treatment, as it started to work… for me, it was just gradual, just noticing that it was lifting. Then I’d say two-thirds through it, really was where my wife was noticing….’you seem lighter, you seem less oppressed by it.’
I was focused and I was productive, and I was more talkative and just all the things that you might think go with depression, piece by piece, those started kicking in. It wasn’t like finally it hit the switch and everything was on, as much as I would say, through the treatment, it was piece by piece. It was sort of coming back. It's not like you just keep going up and up that you’re artificially happy high. What it's doing is it’s bringing you up to what’s supposed to be there, what feels like a normal baseline. So, a normal healthy baseline. By the end of it, it was in a sense completely gone. I mean for what I felt at the beginning, it felt like brain repair, it felt like your brain was being repaired a little bit for whatever the gitch was or whatever was wrong that really caused that. It really was a quantum leap. So by the time the 35 sessions were over from what I’d started from, you could really tell that it worked. It genuinely worked!”
Inspired by Anders’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“After the TMS, my family and friends started noticing immediate differences - my husband got his wife back, my son got his mother back, and I started living life more fully.”
Cindy was a very active mom, living life to the fullest when the depression hit. She was on medication that stopped being effective after two years and eventually resulted in admittance to an ER. After being referred to TMS by her psychiatrist, Cindy got her life back. Listen here to Cindy’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
“Before depression, I was a very busy mom. I was taking care of my family, I enjoyed getting together with friends, I was volunteering in many capacities for my church. I was involved politically. I was just a very busy person enjoying life, I liked going to live theater, and movies, and reading, and learning new things, and then the depression hit. After two and a half years, my antidepressant quit working, cold turkey. From then on, it was a daily downward spiral that ultimately culminated in high anxiety and a trip to the ER. I felt guilty as a wife and a mother because I felt that I was not doing my role to support them.
I started working with my psychiatrist and the very first day she suggested the Magvita TMS, and so I started the TMS Treatment. And within two weeks, I noticed a tiny positive change.
After the TMS, my family and friends started noticing immediate differences. My husband got his wife back, my son got his mother back, and I started living life more fully. So, yes, I have nothing but good things to say about TMS and how it changed my life. How it literally saved my life."
Inspired by Cindys’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver here
“Early on, like maybe the 8th or 9th treatment, I started kind of feeling a difference, but even before that my father who I had been living with at the time, was noticing that I was more active, I was out of my room more often. Over the course of the treatment, I was able to actually reduce the medications and then eventually go off of them.”
Oliver’s depression hijacked his studies and his University Scholarship, forcing him to give up on his dreams. After TMS treatment, Oliver’s life, work, and relationships are back on track. Listen here to Oliver’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"When I was in high school, I had a number of aspirations and I was doing reasonably okay at that time. And what ended up sort of coming together, is I did some neuroscience research at the Rockefeller University, under the mentorship of a guy named Dr. Richard Hunter, and competed in these science competitions. One of them was the Intel Westinghouse and the New York City Science and Engineering Fair, and I did pretty well.
And so, I really wanted to pursue neuroscience or brain science or something related to the mind because that's always been something that's fascinating to me. But when I got to college and I started struggling with depression, I got to the point where I couldn't really function.
I wasn't showing up to classes. I remember when I was in some of my more depressed periods, I went weeks or even at one point, I went two months without shaving. I was on a full-tuition scholarship at the University of Rochester. So they had given me this scholarship and now I wasn't able to show up.
I wasn't able to do all the things that they felt I was capable of doing. It took some time for me to come to terms with what I was going through, but by the time that I had come back from college, I was struggling. So I had pretty much dropped out.
I had reduced my aspirations to just, ‘oh I am going to get a regular management job.’ I figured I'd work my way up somewhere and try to stay functional, that was my aspiration, just to be functional.
Finally, I started doing the TMS treatment with Dr. McMullen. On one dimension, in terms of the actual treatment and the results, I really honestly did not expect much.
I and my father were kind of grasping at straws at that point. I had already tried a number of different, traditional, less-common treatments and so on, and I was just kind of like, ‘uh whatever.’ I'll do it, because I have nothing to lose.
Early on, like maybe the 8th or 9th treatment, I started kind of feeling a difference, but even before, that, my father, who I had been living with at the time, was noticing that I was more active. I was out of my room more often.
Over the course of the treatment, I was able to actually reduce the medications and then eventually go off of them. So I think that what happened was that having had some way to reduce the depression that I was going through, I was able to finally have some self-esteem that allowed me to take my own inner life more seriously.
And then after I sort of finished, completed the course of treatments, I finally was able to move out of my father’s house, so I have been living on my own since then.
I am at the moment tutoring, I am able to get up and go for a run or go to the gym and I have a wonderful girlfriend who seems like we may spend our lives together, so that's a really nice change in my life. I still have a long road ahead but I have hope."
Inspired by Olivers’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“TMS treatment has given me back my life and now I get out of bed, I'm ready to go every day and now I'm back to living again. I love seeing my family, I'm back to work part-time.”
Charlie suffered complications after major back surgery and spiraled into depression. Medications only made things worse and Charlie began to give up on life. Listen here to Charlies’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"I had major surgery years ago, and my doctor recognized that I was getting depressed because of all the complications. We tried every medicine that there was, which also gave me major medical complications.
So, I was taking no medicine and just felt like I didn't want to do anything anymore. I retired and I didn't want to work, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to get out of bed, I couldn't get out of bed, I stopped working.
This TMS treatment has given me back my life and now I get out of bed, I'm ready to go every day, and I've gone through the TMS treatments, and now I'm back to living again.
I love seeing my family, I'm back to work part-time, and my husband and I have even planned the trip of a lifetime. After being married for forty-six years, we're finally going to get our second honeymoon."
Inspired by Charlies’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“TMS has saved my life, because had I not had TMS, I would've been stuck in a world at home with nothing to do but feel sorry for myself, and feel like I was drowning.”
Amy has struggled with depression for most of her life until it got so bad that she could not continue working and even medication could not give her the confidence to return to work.
Listen here to Amy’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"My depression actually started very early in my life, and as I grew, the depression would come and go and finally it came to a head. Everything came crashing down. I was no longer able to work, I could not get out of bed, I couldn't do anything.
So I finally made a phone call to Dr. Kenneth Golstein and Associates. After I met with Dr. Golstein, we tried several different depression medications, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications. I didn't feel like I could go back to work. I didn't feel like I could be my old self with just the medications.
I learned about TMS from Dr. Kenneth Golstein and he sat down with me one evening and explained to me everything that would happen. And it just was exciting to me, it gave me hope, and so I wanted to participate in it.
They were right there with me, they explained every step of the way, they stayed with me during the entire treatment and it was nothing to it. I didn't even feel anything. It was actually relaxing. I got to lay back into a chair and put my head on a pillow, sit for a while and watch TV, and talk to the doctors.
I responded very well to TMS. It surpassed any hope that I had. The medication had done somewhat of a job, but TMS was amazing. I was able for the first time, to get back to work. I was able to live my life.
I had no uncomfortable experiences at all. I had no side-effects. Like I said, it was just coming in, sitting in a chair, lying back, talking with your treatment professional or watching TV, so it was a very comfortable time. Gale, our TMS coordinator, she would come in and talk to me every day just to see how I was doing. And she noticed that every day she came in, my conversation with her would get longer and longer, and she told me that was a really good sign; that I was able to open up and communicate….as I could not do that on the first day.
TMS has saved my life, because had I not had TMS, I would've been stuck in a world at home with nothing to do, but feel sorry for myself, and feel like I was drowning. And I think so many people feel that way. They just feel like they can't, if they can't pull themselves out of it, then they're a failure and that is not true. But TMS can pull you out of it and TMS is the place to turn to do that."
Inspired by Amy’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“They hooked me up to the machine, then you hear a click, and then you get a pulse, and the time goes very quickly. I come in and 15 minutes, I'm back out the door, so it's just a very short time out of your day.”
Rogers’ depression had affected his life on and off since High School, affecting both his and his family’s enjoyment of life. Listen here to Rogers’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"Looking back, I think it started in high school. The symptoms got really bad in my twenties. I wasn't functioning correctly, sometimes I'd stay in bed for a week.
You can't work, because you can’t concentrate, and you can't sleep…it affects everything.
So, typically, I would start on one medication and it would help to a certain extent, but then the effectiveness would get smaller and smaller. So we would switch to something else, and the same scenario.
I was looking online. I was actually looking for a psychiatrist and I noticed TMS. I go, ‘that looks interesting’, so I clicked on it, read the webpage, and I thought to myself ‘that might work’.
I didn't have any preconceived notions on it. They came in, they hooked me up to the machine. Then you hear a click and then you get a pulse, and the time goes very quickly. I noticed an immediate difference. You would think it would be slow and gradual, but for me, it was right away. And then each week…a little better, a little better. I come in and in 15 minutes, I'm back out the door, so it's just a very short time out of your day.
My life's a lot smoother in every aspect, my opportunities are a lot better because I'm functioning better."
Roger’s Wife-Jennifer
“We enjoy life more, we do more activities. We don't need to worry about how he's feeling, or if he's going to be in a bad mood the next day. Or if the next day he doesn't want to do anything, or sleep all day.”
Inspired by Roger’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“My doctor told me about Magventure TMS therapy and, of course, I was skeptical at first - magnetic pulses?!........ For a moment, one, I was totally blown away by the people, they were so nice, so patient, and absolutely understanding. They walked me through the process, how it worked, the insurance, out-of-pocket, and everything to expect”
Vickie’s depression almost cost her her life after taking an overdose to escape her symptoms.
Listen here to Vickie’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"I'm not acting, I'm not faking when I say Magventure TMS therapy saved my life. No doubt, one hundred percent.
Before treatment, I was in a continuous loop of depression, a very dark and lonely place. I pushed everyone away from me, my family, friends, co-workers. I had no interest in life itself. It just hurt to be awake. I couldn't shut my brain off, it was just constantly going. Every item in my body was just screaming. I ended up taking several handfuls of pills and woke up in the hospital. That’s when I knew I needed to change the medication I was on, it wasn't helping, it wasn't working, it was actually making things worse.
I knew I definitely needed additional help. My doctor told me about Magventure TMS therapy and, of course, I was skeptical at first - magnetic pulses!? However, with a lot of information and documentation provided to me, I felt like it was safe and I was going to give it the go.
I checked around and Magventure TMS was the name that kept coming up, so I found a Magventure provider. From moment one, I was totally blown away by the people, they were so nice, so patient, and absolutely understanding. They walked me through the process, how it worked, the insurance, out-of-pocket, and everything to expect. I remember there was this great video my doctor showed me that explained what TMS was and how it worked. After seeing everything, I was like, wow, I need this, let's do it, I'm so ready.
Three weeks into my therapy, my depression had dropped in half; even my anxiety improved. After six weeks, I was feeling like my old self again and it just kept getting better and better from there.
Today, I am NOT a depressed person. I'm really not! I'm a happy, happy person. I'm back to work and loving it. I've totally reconnected with my family, my kids, my husband. I’ve even reconnected with old friends that I haven't spoken to in years. I'm finally reconnected to life and I have Magventure TMS therapy to thank for that.
What would I tell someone suffering with depression? I'd first ask them, ‘Are you on medication? Are you happy with the side effects? If not, there's an answer, there's help. There are people in a company that are willing to walk every step of the way with you’, and it starts with finding a Magventure TMS therapy provider."
Inspired by Vickie’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver here.
What Makes Us Different
For more visit our video library →
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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the tms journey
Book your free telephone consultation with Dr. Clinch and use this time to ask any questions or voice any concerns about TMS. If there are no contraindications to treatment, you are a good candidate, and you wish to proceed with a full evaluation, we will schedule a full intake. You will be sent an invite to our confidential patient portal and forms for review and completion that expedite care.
Shortly after this, you will be seen in person for the full TMS evaluation. This will provide adequate information for us to then submit prior authorization for TMS coverage to your insurer. If seeking care off-label through self-pay, prior authorization is not needed. We then schedule your first and all subsequent treatment sessions. We obtain prior authorization and inform you of all costs prior to starting care.
Come in for your first treatment which starts with a 'mapping' to establish your unique treatment intensity and location. Following this and at all subsequent sessions, you will recline in a motorized chair, similar to a dental visit. You can then relax, listen to music, watch TV, read or chat during the treatment. At the end of your sessions, you can drive and return to your day as normal.
Our shared inspiration is to alleviate mental illness and improve the mental wellbeing of the patients we treat. We respect all backgrounds and cultures and want to hear our patient’s stories to best guide care. During treatment, we reinforce positive wellness practices, help maximize lifestyle modifications, and integrate rTMS therapy into a patient’s overall mental and physical health treatment.
Samuel B. Clinch, M.D
Medical Director
Free Consultation
Call 720-446-8675 now, or complete the form below to request a call back.
Contact Us
340 East 1st Avenue, Suite 333
Broomfield, CO 80020
What Happens After I Send My Message?
A member of our team will confirm your free consultation appointment within one business day.
Discover if TMS is right for you and answer all your queries about treatment, eligibility and costs.
Take the First Step Towards Your Mental Well-being Today
Depression and anxiety disorders are extremely common conditions. At least ¼ of the US population struggles with symptoms of depression or anxiety in any given year. These conditions often go hand in hand as well, sucking any pleasure or joy out of life. Treatment typically involves medications and talk therapy, but unfortunately, this isn’t always successful.
If you are reading this article, you may have been surviving like this for years and have been through a gamut of different medications. Medications may work for a time or not at all. Therapy may have helped with coping and understanding how to best manage your mental health condition, but often is insufficient to relieve symptoms fully. Or you may have found an effective medication, only to have to compromise relief from depression or anxiety with significant side effects. TMS provides an alternative treatment option free from systemic side effects with an improved chance for success.
Countless studies have been and continue to be published on TMS efficacy. The FDA has approved TMS for treatment-resistant depression, OCD, and smoking cessation and the number of patients treated to date with TMS continues to grow exponentially. Indications for treatment will likely continue to grow and multiple studies have shown improvement in anxiety symptoms as well when treating depression. The evidence base is reassuring for many, but listening to other patients speak first hand about their success with TMS can often be more helpful and inspiring. Here are some of those patients sharing their stories.
“I mean, from what I felt at the beginning, it felt like brain repair. It felt like your brain was being repaired a little bit from whatever the gitch was, or whatever was wrong that really caused that. It really was a quantum leap.”
Anders had been taking medication for the depression that had negatively impacted his life, including work and relationships, for twenty years. Listen here to Anders’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
“My depression, it originally was thinking like most people are, is it something that needs talk therapy; whatever it is?
And then there was a point at which I was feeling nothing negative was going on, so it has to be something physical and that’s what brought me to see a psychopharmacologist to say like, ‘look I don’t think it has to do with anything personally that’s going on, but it always feels like there’s a foot on my shoulder and it was enough that it got in the way of focusing on my work.’ There was a loneliness that went with it, or that was the feeling of it, and then I went on medication for a number of years. But then there was a point at which it just stopped, the effects of it, and that was when I was made aware of TMS.
When I heard of it, I would assume the way a lot of people might feel, there was fear about it. And then when I did it, it was just mildly uncomfortable. Only at the beginning, but very quickly you sort of adjust to it so that I could be carrying on a conversation with the technician while it was going on for the half an hour that it was running. With the treatment, as it started to work… for me, it was just gradual, just noticing that it was lifting. Then I’d say two-thirds through it, really was where my wife was noticing….’you seem lighter, you seem less oppressed by it.’
I was focused and I was productive, and I was more talkative and just all the things that you might think go with depression, piece by piece, those started kicking in. It wasn’t like finally it hit the switch and everything was on, as much as I would say, through the treatment, it was piece by piece. It was sort of coming back. It's not like you just keep going up and up that you’re artificially happy high. What it's doing is it’s bringing you up to what’s supposed to be there, what feels like a normal baseline. So, a normal healthy baseline. By the end of it, it was in a sense completely gone. I mean for what I felt at the beginning, it felt like brain repair, it felt like your brain was being repaired a little bit for whatever the gitch was or whatever was wrong that really caused that. It really was a quantum leap. So by the time the 35 sessions were over from what I’d started from, you could really tell that it worked. It genuinely worked!”
Inspired by Anders’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“After the TMS, my family and friends started noticing immediate differences - my husband got his wife back, my son got his mother back, and I started living life more fully.”
Cindy was a very active mom, living life to the fullest when the depression hit. She was on medication that stopped being effective after two years and eventually resulted in admittance to an ER. After being referred to TMS by her psychiatrist, Cindy got her life back. Listen here to Cindy’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
“Before depression, I was a very busy mom. I was taking care of my family, I enjoyed getting together with friends, I was volunteering in many capacities for my church. I was involved politically. I was just a very busy person enjoying life, I liked going to live theater, and movies, and reading, and learning new things, and then the depression hit. After two and a half years, my antidepressant quit working, cold turkey. From then on, it was a daily downward spiral that ultimately culminated in high anxiety and a trip to the ER. I felt guilty as a wife and a mother because I felt that I was not doing my role to support them.
I started working with my psychiatrist and the very first day she suggested the Magvita TMS, and so I started the TMS Treatment. And within two weeks, I noticed a tiny positive change.
After the TMS, my family and friends started noticing immediate differences. My husband got his wife back, my son got his mother back, and I started living life more fully. So, yes, I have nothing but good things to say about TMS and how it changed my life. How it literally saved my life."
Inspired by Cindys’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver here
“Early on, like maybe the 8th or 9th treatment, I started kind of feeling a difference, but even before that my father who I had been living with at the time, was noticing that I was more active, I was out of my room more often. Over the course of the treatment, I was able to actually reduce the medications and then eventually go off of them.”
Oliver’s depression hijacked his studies and his University Scholarship, forcing him to give up on his dreams. After TMS treatment, Oliver’s life, work, and relationships are back on track. Listen here to Oliver’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"When I was in high school, I had a number of aspirations and I was doing reasonably okay at that time. And what ended up sort of coming together, is I did some neuroscience research at the Rockefeller University, under the mentorship of a guy named Dr. Richard Hunter, and competed in these science competitions. One of them was the Intel Westinghouse and the New York City Science and Engineering Fair, and I did pretty well.
And so, I really wanted to pursue neuroscience or brain science or something related to the mind because that's always been something that's fascinating to me. But when I got to college and I started struggling with depression, I got to the point where I couldn't really function.
I wasn't showing up to classes. I remember when I was in some of my more depressed periods, I went weeks or even at one point, I went two months without shaving. I was on a full-tuition scholarship at the University of Rochester. So they had given me this scholarship and now I wasn't able to show up.
I wasn't able to do all the things that they felt I was capable of doing. It took some time for me to come to terms with what I was going through, but by the time that I had come back from college, I was struggling. So I had pretty much dropped out.
I had reduced my aspirations to just, ‘oh I am going to get a regular management job.’ I figured I'd work my way up somewhere and try to stay functional, that was my aspiration, just to be functional.
Finally, I started doing the
TMS treatment with Dr. McMullen. On one dimension, in terms of the actual treatment and the results, I really honestly did not expect much.
I and my father were kind of grasping at straws at that point. I had already tried a number of different, traditional, less-common treatments and so on, and I was just kind of like, ‘uh whatever.’ I'll do it, because I have nothing to lose.
Early on, like maybe the 8th or 9th treatment, I started kind of feeling a difference, but even before, that, my father, who I had been living with at the time, was noticing that I was more active. I was out of my room more often.
Over the course of the treatment, I was able to actually reduce the medications and then eventually go off of them. So I think that what happened was that having had some way to reduce the depression that I was going through, I was able to finally have some self-esteem that allowed me to take my own inner life more seriously.
And then after I sort of finished, completed the course of treatments, I finally was able to move out of my father’s house, so I have been living on my own since then.
I am at the moment tutoring, I am able to get up and go for a run or go to the gym and I have a wonderful girlfriend who seems like we may spend our lives together, so that's a really nice change in my life. I still have a long road ahead but I have hope."
Inspired by Olivers’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“TMS treatment has given me back my life and now I get out of bed, I'm ready to go every day and now I'm back to living again. I love seeing my family, I'm back to work part-time.”
Charlie suffered complications after major back surgery and spiraled into depression. Medications only made things worse and Charlie began to give up on life. Listen here to Charlies’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"I had major surgery years ago, and my doctor recognized that I was getting depressed because of all the complications. We tried every medicine that there was, which also gave me major medical complications.
So, I was taking no medicine and just felt like I didn't want to do anything anymore. I retired and I didn't want to work, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to get out of bed, I couldn't get out of bed, I stopped working.
This TMS treatment has given me back my life and now I get out of bed, I'm ready to go every day, and I've gone through the TMS treatments, and now I'm back to living again.
I love seeing my family, I'm back to work part-time, and my husband and I have even planned the trip of a lifetime. After being married for forty-six years, we're finally going to get our second honeymoon."
Inspired by Charlies’ Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“TMS has saved my life, because had I not had TMS, I would've been stuck in a world at home with nothing to do but feel sorry for myself, and feel like I was drowning.”
Amy has struggled with depression for most of her life until it got so bad that she could not continue working and even medication could not give her the confidence to return to work.
Listen here to Amy’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"My depression actually started very early in my life, and as I grew, the depression would come and go and finally it came to a head. Everything came crashing down. I was no longer able to work, I could not get out of bed, I couldn't do anything.
So I finally made a phone call to Dr. Kenneth Golstein and Associates. After I met with Dr. Golstein, we tried several different depression medications, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications. I didn't feel like I could go back to work. I didn't feel like I could be my old self with just the medications.
I learned about TMS from Dr. Kenneth Golstein and he sat down with me one evening and explained to me everything that would happen. And it just was exciting to me, it gave me hope, and so I wanted to participate in it.
They were right there with me, they explained every step of the way, they stayed with me during the entire treatment and it was nothing to it. I didn't even feel anything. It was actually relaxing. I got to lay back into a chair and put my head on a pillow, sit for a while and watch TV, and talk to the doctors.
I responded very well to TMS. It surpassed any hope that I had. The medication had done somewhat of a job, but TMS was amazing. I was able for the first time, to get back to work. I was able to live my life.
I had no uncomfortable experiences at all. I had no side-effects. Like I said, it was just coming in, sitting in a chair, lying back, talking with your treatment professional or watching TV, so it was a very comfortable time. Gale, our TMS coordinator, she would come in and talk to me every day just to see how I was doing. And she noticed that every day she came in, my conversation with her would get longer and longer, and she told me that was a really good sign; that I was able to open up and communicate….as I could not do that on the first day.
TMS has saved my life, because had I not had TMS, I would've been stuck in a world at home with nothing to do, but feel sorry for myself, and feel like I was drowning. And I think so many people feel that way. They just feel like they can't, if they can't pull themselves out of it, then they're a failure and that is not true. But TMS can pull you out of it and TMS is the place to turn to do that."
Inspired by Amy’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“They hooked me up to the machine, then you hear a click, and then you get a pulse, and the time goes very quickly. I come in and 15 minutes, I'm back out the door, so it's just a very short time out of your day.”
Rogers’ depression had affected his life on and off since High School, affecting both his and his family’s enjoyment of life. Listen here to Rogers’ personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"Looking back, I think it started in high school. The symptoms got really bad in my twenties. I wasn't functioning correctly, sometimes I'd stay in bed for a week.
You can't work, because you can’t concentrate, and you can't sleep…it affects everything.
So, typically, I would start on one medication and it would help to a certain extent, but then the effectiveness would get smaller and smaller. So we would switch to something else, and the same scenario.
I was looking online. I was actually looking for a psychiatrist and I noticed TMS. I go, ‘that looks interesting’, so I clicked on it, read the webpage, and I thought to myself ‘that might work’.
I didn't have any preconceived notions on it. They came in, they hooked me up to the machine. Then you hear a click and then you get a pulse, and the time goes very quickly. I noticed an immediate difference. You would think it would be slow and gradual, but for me, it was right away. And then each week…a little better, a little better. I come in and in 15 minutes, I'm back out the door, so it's just a very short time out of your day.
My life's a lot smoother in every aspect, my opportunities are a lot better because I'm functioning better."
Roger’s Wife-Jennifer
“We enjoy life more, we do more activities. We don't need to worry about how he's feeling, or if he's going to be in a bad mood the next day. Or if the next day he doesn't want to do anything, or sleep all day.”
Inspired by Roger’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver
“My doctor told me about Magventure TMS therapy and, of course, I was skeptical at first - magnetic pulses?!........ For a moment, one, I was totally blown away by the people, they were so nice, so patient, and absolutely understanding. They walked me through the process, how it worked, the insurance, out-of-pocket, and everything to expect”
Vickie’s depression almost cost her her life after taking an overdose to escape her symptoms.
Listen here to Vickie’s personal account of depression, TMS treatment, and its outcomes:
"I'm not acting, I'm not faking when I say Magventure TMS therapy saved my life. No doubt, one hundred percent.
Before treatment, I was in a continuous loop of depression, a very dark and lonely place. I pushed everyone away from me, my family, friends, co-workers. I had no interest in life itself. It just hurt to be awake. I couldn't shut my brain off, it was just constantly going. Every item in my body was just screaming. I ended up taking several handfuls of pills and woke up in the hospital. That’s when I knew I needed to change the medication I was on, it wasn't helping, it wasn't working, it was actually making things worse.
I knew I definitely needed additional help. My doctor told me about Magventure TMS therapy and, of course, I was skeptical at first - magnetic pulses!? However, with a lot of information and documentation provided to me, I felt like it was safe and I was going to give it the go.
I checked around and Magventure TMS was the name that kept coming up, so I found a Magventure provider. From moment one, I was totally blown away by the people, they were so nice, so patient, and absolutely understanding. They walked me through the process, how it worked, the insurance, out-of-pocket, and everything to expect. I remember there was this great video my doctor showed me that explained what TMS was and how it worked. After seeing everything, I was like, wow, I need this, let's do it, I'm so ready.
Three weeks into my therapy, my depression had dropped in half; even my anxiety improved. After six weeks, I was feeling like my old self again and it just kept getting better and better from there.
Today, I am NOT a depressed person. I'm really not! I'm a happy, happy person. I'm back to work and loving it. I've totally reconnected with my family, my kids, my husband. I’ve even reconnected with old friends that I haven't spoken to in years. I'm finally reconnected to life and I have Magventure TMS therapy to thank for that.
What would I tell someone suffering with depression? I'd first ask them, ‘Are you on medication? Are you happy with the side effects? If not, there's an answer, there's help. There are people in a company that are willing to walk every step of the way with you’, and it starts with finding a Magventure TMS therapy provider."
Inspired by Vickie’s Story? Book a free consultation with Inspire TMS Denver here.
Too good to be true? Compare the many ups and the few downs of TMS.
58% of patients experienced significant improvement.
What happens at my first and subsequent TMS therapy sessions?
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We believe rTMS is an underutilized treatment approach. It is safe, non invasive, free of systemic side effects and well tolerated. Discover if TMS is right for you by taking the quiz or booking a consultation.
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
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the tms journey
Book your free telephone consultation with Dr. Clinch and use this time to ask any questions or voice any concerns about TMS. If there are no contraindications to treatment, you are a good candidate, and you wish to proceed with a full evaluation, we will schedule a full intake. You will be sent an invite to our confidential patient portal and forms for review and completion that expedite care.
Shortly after this, you will be seen in person for the full TMS evaluation. This will provide adequate information for us to then submit prior authorization for TMS coverage to your insurer. If seeking care off-label through self-pay, prior authorization is not needed. We then schedule your first and all subsequent treatment sessions. We obtain prior authorization and inform you of all costs prior to starting care.
Come in for your first treatment which starts with a 'mapping' to establish your unique treatment intensity and location. Following this and at all subsequent sessions, you will recline in a motorized chair, similar to a dental visit. You can then relax, listen to music, watch TV, read or chat during the treatment. At the end of your sessions, you can drive and return to your day as normal.
Our shared inspiration is to alleviate mental illness and improve the mental wellbeing of the patients we treat. We respect all backgrounds and cultures and want to hear our patient’s stories to best guide care. During treatment, we reinforce positive wellness practices, help maximize lifestyle modifications, and integrate rTMS therapy into a patient’s overall mental and physical health treatment.
Samuel B. Clinch, M.D
Medical Director
Free Consultation
Call 720-446-8675 now, or complete the form below to request a call back.
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340 East 1st Avenue, Suite 333
Broomfield, CO 80020
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A member of our team will confirm your free consultation appointment within one business day.
Discover if TMS is right for you and answer all your queries about treatment, eligibility and costs.
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Information on this site is for reference purposes only. It is not intended to be nor should it be taken as medical advice. Individuals should see a medical professional regarding their symptoms.
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Information on this site is for reference purposes only. It is not intended to be nor should it be taken as medical advice. Individuals should see a medical professional regarding their symptoms.
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Information on this site is for reference purposes only. It is not intended to be nor should it be taken as medical advice. Individuals should see a medical professional regarding their symptoms.
All Rights Reserved | Inspire TMS Denver
Website by Leo Cook Digital Marketing